
Join us for engaging and educational events throughout the year that celebrate and illuminate the rich history of Wayne County. From reenactments to festivals, there's something for everyone!

1812 Reenactment

On Saturday, March 30, 2013, the Wayne County Museum staged the crossing of the Cumberland River near Mill Springs, Kentucky. Plans included hundreds of volunteers, both horsemen and horsewomen were called upon to participate. Afterwards, the Wayne County community enjoyed a large scale barbecue. Following are pictures of this event.

2012 Heritage Festival

Included are pictures by various people of the 2012 Wayne County Heritage Festival.

2013 Heritage Festival

A sampling of pictures from the 2013 Wayne County Heritage Festival (Saturday- August 31, 2013). On the grounds of the Brown-Lanier House, Mill Springs, Kentucky

2015 Heritage Festival

A sampling of pictures from the 2015 Wayne County Heritage Festival (Saturday- September 5, 2015). On the grounds of the Brown-Lanier House, Mill Springs, Kentucky

2016 Heritage Festival

A sampling of pictures from the 2016 Wayne County Heritage Festival.